Mann und Frau laufen am Gradierbau entlang und blicke auf die herabrieselnde Sole, deren Tropfen in der Sonnen glitzern. | © BNST GmbH

Places of peace & happiness

Unique spa facilities quickly make you forget everyday life and guarantee relaxation.

Resorts & spas

There are many places in Bad Nauheim where you can unwind and pamper yourself.

Take a deep breath at the Gradierbau (blackthorn graduation towers), try some healing water at the spring dispenser, enjoy our parks or immerse yourself in nature. Bad Nauheim's spa facilities are surrounded by greenery. What Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse by Rhine once laid out is timelessly beautiful. Art nouveau buildings and parks complement each other wonderfully to create a special charm that has a relaxing effect.


The town and surroundings offer over 100 kilometres of hiking, cycling and walking trails. Choose from routes between two and 20 kilometres, field and forest paths, and easy and difficult tours. Our cosy cafés and restaurants are located close to the parks and offer you almost everything from a culinary point of view: delicious cakes, homemade chocolates, Hessian specialities or unusual creations.


The Trinkkuranlage (drinking cure salon) is a haven of peace. You can marvel at the architecture or enjoy a spa concert in the shade of the large, old trees. You should definitely visit the mineral water bar and taste our healing waters. Whether they really taste like “herring with liquorice”, as Erich Kästner once wrote about the drinking springs, you can find out for yourself.


Brine trickles down the graduation towers from March to October. When the light breaks in the water droplets, the brushwood walls glisten and, with a bit of luck, you can see a rainbow. A sea breeze blows around the buildings. The fresh air is healthy and has a positive effect on your respiratory system. This effect can be felt particularly intensely in the inhalatorium at graduation tower I.

Frau steht im Mittelgang des Inhalatoriums. Rechts und links rieselt die Sole von den Schwarzdornwänden herab. | © BNST GmbH


During a visit to the inhalatorium, you experience the "fresh sea breeze" effect particularly intensely - the salt-rich air aids respiratory conditions and prevents colds.
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Thermalbecken mit sprudelnder Fontäne. Um das Becken stehen Liegen. | © Sprudelhof Therme

Sprudelhof thermal spa

Adjacent to the Usa and the spa gardens, a new thermal and wellness complex is being built in Bad Nauheim that will be highly attractive to guests. The new complex will seamlessly blend modern architecture with the tradition and long-standing experience of bathing culture.
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© Anja Epkes

Tourist Information

Information material, ticket sales or guided tours - the Tourist Information Bad Nauheim offers a wide range of services and is open seven days a week.
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